Bluesee Ble Debugger For Mac

This guide will show you how to turn your Mac into a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripheral device for creating your very own BLE services and characteristics.

For creating a BLE instance 'so if you want to compare two address using equals you need to pass another BLEAddress instance' for your reference my BLE scan should show me only one device which mac address is 24:6f:28:1a:df:5e or service uuid id is 4fafc201-1fb5-459e-8fcc-c5c9c331914b thanks in advance. Re: looking for a way to pull the BLE MAC addresses from all controller based AP's ‎ 12:18 PM There is an existing bug: 151276 about not all of the AP information being returned when that command is run. We have rolled out 7240 controllers with AP 335's we are seeking a way to pull the BLE MAC addresses for all of the AP's. We can get it one by one, but I am wondering if there is a global command. This tutorial will show how this debug feature can be added to any existing project. J-Link software pack v4.98; RTT-files; Keil uVision 5.14; Adding RTT files to project. As with the previous tutorials, this tutorial will be based on the bleappuart project, but any other project can be used.

Blue Sea Ble Debugger For Mac Download


  1. Check if you have node.js installed already
    In Terminal, run this command:
  2. Install node.js on your Mac
    Go to the Node.js website
    Download the installer for the latest LTS version (v6.11.2 LTS at the time of writing)
    Follow the installer prompts

  3. Download example files from the bleno github repoEcho example
    It includes two files: main.js & characteristic.js
    Place these 2 files by themselves in a folder somewhere

  4. In Terminal, navigate to the folder containing your main.js and characteristic.js files

  5. Use Node Package Manager (npm) to install bleno in that directory
    Run this command in Terminal:
  6. In Terminal, run the main.js script to start advertising your device
  7. Open a BLE app, like LightBlue to view your device, its services and characteristics
    LightBlue for iOS
    LightBlue for MacOS

Any value you write to the Echo Characteristic (UUID: 0xEC0E) on the device should be echoed in the Terminal window


Output in Terminal:

To quit the node program, press Control + C

Blue Sea Ble Debugger For Mac Os

For more info, see the bleno github page

Blue Sea Ble Debugger For Mac Catalina


Blue sea ble debugger for mac os

Synapse’s BlueSee Aids the Development of Bluetooth Low Energy Devices

The Bluetooth®LE debugging and testing toolkit introduces first-of-a-kind cross-platform scripting to support the development process from start to finish

Blue Sea Ble Debugger For Mac Osx

Bluetooth: In Honor of World Asthma Day…Asthmapolis

Companies use Bluetooth® technology for a ton of different applications and devices. Products are often fun or handy, but occasionally a Bluetooth product comes along with the potential to change people’s lives. Today, in honor of World Asthma Day, I want to tell you about Asthmapolis. Asthampolis promises to improve the quality of life for asthma patients by providing better patient and doctor disease management while reducing costs.