Unraid Delete Share

Since the latest unRAID update introduced the /mnt/users/docker share, my Docker files seem to be all over the place. I have some there and some in an /appdata share which seems to have scattered them on across the cache and the array.

Now then, this is where we remove the drives from the array. Using your unRAID web interface go to Utilities New Config Check the box and reset your drive config. What this does is reset the drive list that unRAID uses. If you go back to the main array page now, you’ll see that your drives are ALL unassigned. When the share is empty, go to the shares tab and you click the share and they'll be at the bottom a 'delete' checkbox Doing via Krusader should have worked. Delete the shareName from /UNRAID/user/shareName Alternatively, from the command line.

I wanted to update all my Dockers to use the new /docker share and this is what I needed to do.
It turns out it's not just a matter of updating the AppData Config Path field for each docker - it doesn't seem possible to do that for an installed Docker, (changes don't stick). Instead, it's necessary to go through the worrying process of removing the Docker and reinstalling it!
Here's the steps I followed;
0. Ensure the Community Applications plug-in is installed
Share1. Backup all Appdata contents

Unraid 6.8 Delete Share

2. Stop Docker
3. Set Docker Storage location to /mnt/user/docker

How To Remove Dll File

4. Set Default Appdata storage location to /mnt/user/docker/appdata

Unraid Delete Share Account

Unraid Delete Share
5. Start Docker but stop any containers whose config path you need to change.
6. Copy the existing contents from /mnt/user/appdata/ to /mnt/user/docker/appdata/
7. Delete the old/soon to be redundant /mnt/user/appdata/. (I also removed the share as I wouldn't need it anymore)
8. One by one, on each docker to be reset, click the remove menu option and confirm that you want to remove the image as well
9. Go to Community Applications, click on the 'previous apps' button, find the docker you just removed and click the reinstall buttonUnraid Delete Share
10. In the template screen, enter the correct appdata path (usually under 'advanced settings')
11. Apply. Rinse & repeat for each container
When the containers restart, they should all now be pointing to the /docker share.
One interesting nugget I've picked up over the past while - unless files are in the appdata folder, they don't survive even simple container updates. For example, I like nano as my text editor but any update of my Apache or any other container requires me to re-install it again.

Over the years Unraid has grown from a simple Network Attached Storage server OS, to a full application platform featuring Docker containers and Virtual Machine support. It can be daunting for new users to navigate the volume of information spread across our Wiki, Forum and Help section ⍰ within the product itself. With this in mind, we will be publishing a series of new user blog posts over the coming months to address some common questions as well as share some tips, tricks and best practices to ultimately help everyone new to Unraid get the most out of our OS!

In this installment, we will be talking about:

  • Unraid and the USB flash drive
  • Using the USB Flash Creator tool
  • How drives are counted towards the license limit
  • Default Password and How to reset your root password
  • How to rename your server (Tower)
  • How to change banner images and themes
Delete all files except windows

Unraid Delete Share Iphone

The Unraid OS/USB Flash relationship: ​

A good place to start is with the USB flash drive. We highly recommend you use a high-quality, name-brand USB flash device with at least 1GB capacity. Kingston, PNY, Lexar, and SanDisk brand USBs are good options and will help to ensure that the OS runs properly and the USB doesn’t fail on you. SanDisk Cruzer Fit's are very popular choices for many Unraid users for their low profile design and reliability.

Cheaper ones tend to fail more quickly than a quality USB manufacturer. Once you have Unraid up and running either via a free trial or a purchased license key, it’s important to know that Unraid does not run from the flash drive. The flash drive simply unpacks an archive of the OS into RAM when it boots and the Unraid OS is actually running in RAM. During normal operation the USB Flash device is only periodically written with vital configuration data.

Unraid Delete Share

Here are a few high quality, brand name USB's recommended for use with Unraid OS: