Classic Shell Needs To Configure

ShellClassic shell needs to configure itself for the new operating system 2020Needs

Classic Shell Needs To Configure Itself For The New Os

The Azure Service Management module shares dependencies with the Azure PowerShell Resource Manager modules. If you have installed the Azure PowerShell Resource Manager modules, you will need to add the -AllowClobber parameter to the install command. This allows this existing shared dependencies to be updated. If you are a user with an old Classic Shell setup (or decided to experiment with it), this is how you can disable it. To disable Classic Shell starting on login. Right click on the Start Menu Icon. Click on Settings. Check Show all settings on the classic shell settings window. Click on the General behavior tab. If you don't know what open-shell is its a program that turns Windows 10 start menu to look like windows 7. It's free and makes it easier for users to. Updating Classic shell/Open-shell after windows 10 version update - General Software Forum - Spiceworks.

Classic Shell Needs To Reconfigure Itself

Running Windows 10 Home edition
Whenever I start my computer I get a message stating that Classic Shell needs to configure itself for the new operating system, but when I attempt to let it I get another message stating that the administrator has blocked the action. I also get a Close button but nothing else. On another computer that's also running Classic Shell, I never see these messages.
I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting. Can somebody please point me in the right direction? BTW I'm using Classic Shell, not Open Shell.