Mount And Blade Emissary

For the heroes featured in Mount&Blade: With Fire & Sword, see Heroes (With Fire & Sword). For the heroes featured in Viking Conquest, see Heroes (Viking Conquest). For the heroes featured in Bannerlord, see Companions (Bannerlord). Heroes or companions are unique troops with individual names, stories, skills, attributes, and equipment (all of which can be chosen by you). Like the player. In the Mount and Blade game there are various different heroes which you can recruit into your army. Each one has varying skills and dislikes other Heroes. Other unique soldiers can be hired, each having individual names, stories, skills, attributes and equipment (all of which can be chosen by you). Welcome to the Floris Mod Pack wiki for Mount & Blade: Warband. Within you'll find as much information on the mod as we could drag ourselves away long enough to write down. Players are also welcome and encouraged to help edit articles as they wish. For overviews of articles on different topics see Wiki Content. Gameplay Features. Guides » Mount & Blade: Warband - Companion Builds Guide (Classes, Roles and Groups) Written by GooglySquid / Feb 7, 2020 A brief guide on classes, roles, companions and groups.

Agathinos is one of the heroes in Viking Conquest. He is a Byzantinian Christian. In both the sandbox mode and the campaign mode, he is free to hire. In the campaign mode, he can be found near Hordaland when trying to find the transcripted scroll. In the sandbox mode, he can be found in a random town. With his high intelligence of 18 at the start, Agathinos can become a great support unit for.

Companions in AWOIAF

  • This table is not complete. An empty cell may mean none or not yet known.
NameLikesDislikesUpset byCompanion typeLevelCostRenownPersonalityNoble
AnguyGendry, Thoros of MyrDick Crabb, XhondoAttacking the defenselessFighter (archer)2916000Yes
Brienne of TarthGendryBronn, Ser Illifer the PennilessFailing quests, fleeing from battlesFighter, leader2717000405UpstandingYes
BronnAnguySer Illfer the PennilessNot paying wagesFighter21200
Bronson SnowGendryPrincess Khiarai, Shagga son of DolfFighter10Upstanding
CrastosBrienne of TarthSyrio ForelAttacking the defenselessTracker, fighter31000210Debauched
Dacey MormontThoros of MyrCrastosFighter (melee)273500435UpstandingYes
Dick CrabbHibaldAnguy, Ser Illfer the PennilessEngineer, fighter71500
DirkDacey MormontPrincess KiriaraiNot paying wages, fleeing from battleFighter1
GendryAnguy, Brienne of TarthHibald, XhondoEngineer1550Upstanding
Hagen the BeautifulValDick Crabb, XhondoFleeing from battleFighter (throwing)13270Good-natured
HibaldDick CrabbGendry, QyburnMerchant81670
KurleketHeavy losses, running out of foodFighter5Event200
Mya StoneGendryCrastos, Shagga Son of DolfLooting(9)1315000255Upstanding
Podrick PayneBrienne of TarthNoneAttacking the defenselessFighter2550Good-naturedYes
Qyburn ²XhondoShagga son of Dolf, SylvaNot paying wages, heavy casualtiesSurgeon410000
Ser Barristan SelmySyrio ForelBronnFailing quests, attacking the defenseless, heavy lossesFighter3832000570UpstandingYes
Ser Beron GreyMya StoneQyburn, Ser Creighton Longbough79000UpstandingYes
Ser Creighton LongboughSer Illfer the PennilessBronn, Shagga son of DolfFighter (mounted)42100
Ser Illfer the PennilessSer Creighton LongboughBronn, Dick CrabbFleeing from battlesFigher (mounted)91900MartialYes
Ser Shadrich the Mad MouseDacey MormontBrienne, Hibald3332000495MartialYes
Shagga son of DolfBronnSer Creighton Longbough, QyburnNot paying wagesFighter237250
Sylva ²Ser BeronQyburn, Ser ShadrichHeavy losses, running out of foodSurgeon59000210
Syrio ForelSer Barristan Selmy, Thoros of MyrAnguyRunning out of food, fleeing from battles, attacking the defenselessTrainer, fighter3516000540UpstandingYes
Thoros of MyrAnguyBrienne, QyburnSurgeon and Fighter3218000480Martial
ValBrienneSer Illfer the Penniless, HibaldRunning out of foodExplorer, Emissary, Throwing113800210Good-natured
XhondoQyburnAnguy, GendryRunning out of food, not paying wagesFighter10600
Princess Khiarai150,000Yes
Direwolf ¹FighterQuest
Dongo ¹Wun-wunFighter (Infantry)42Quest630
Wun-wun ¹DongoArcher42Quest630
Brog Matter ¹Reed MatterFighter/Leader49QuestUpstandingYes
Reed Matter ¹Brog MatterFighter/Leader42QuestUpstandingYes

¹ These units equipments cannot be changed.
² These units are like maesters and can heal your injuries.

Mount And Blade Warband

Units with special recruiting methods

  • Kurleket is recruited through a random map event.
  • Sam is recruited through a random map event.
  • Dongo and Wun-wun are recruited via quest in the north. West of Thenn between a group of trees. You must be a wilding to recruit them.
  • Direwolf can be recruited at the wolf's den. You must be a northman to recruit it.
  • Brog Matter can be recruited if you chose to spare him after completing the Bringing a Warlord to Justice quest. You gain access to Bringing a Warlord of Justice quest sometime after reaching over 1,000 renown through a random map event.
  • Reed Matter can be recruited after completing the quest Freeing a Brother. You gain access to Freeing a Brother quest after a set amount of time if you completed Bringing a Warlord to Justice quest and chose to spare Brog.

The Kingsguard

Ser Arys Oakheart of the Kingsguard

The Kingsguard are a special set of seven recruitable companions. They are recruited by freeing them from captivity.

See The Kingsguard article for more info.

Companions no longer in AWOIAF

  • Ulf (Level 46) - This outlaw companion can be hired along with his mercenary company you can find discovering AWOIAF. (No longer a hero character as of 2.0)
  • The Tattered Prince (Level 46) - This Noble companion can be hired along with his mercenary company his 2 companions (Caggo, lvl 46 and Denzo D'han, lvl 43) you can find discovering AWOIAF. (No longer a hero character as of 2.0)

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Content of the article: 'Guide to Forming an Alliance with other Kingdoms'

I was a console player, I was playing Mount and Blade on the PS4 before switching to pc. The mods is what make the game enjoyable imo. I haven't really seen any proper guides on how to form an alliance so I wanted to make one.

First of all, you need to raise your 'right to rule'. Secondly, have a good relationship with the King/Liege, 50 is good and at least 20 relations with his people. Lastly, you need to be in peace with that faction. In order to dispatch an emissary, you must replace your minister with a companion or your partner. Remember, the character you want to send to negotiate, should have a high persuasion, and ideally a noble companion.

Now do this following 3 steps,

  1. Express goodwill to another monarch

– when the king responds, that he acknowledge you as 'King' or 'Lady of Lesbere' (any town you own). It means they recognize you as an Independent Kingdom.

Mount And Blade Emissary

– however, if your companion say something like 'omitting any title', that means you need to increase your right to rule.

  1. Ask for defensive pact (it will degrade to trade agreements, then becomes a non-aggression pact).

– if that doesn't work, try the other way around, ask for trade agreements or non-aggression pact.

Mount And Blade Send Emissary

  1. The 'Formed Alliance' text will show up the next time you talk to your Companion or Wife/Husband (Minister).

There is also a chance you will receive a peace treaty, trade agreement, or non-aggression pact. Once accepted, the 'Form an alliance' will show up by talking to your minister. Some tips to increase the relations with the Kingdom. Help their villages by talking to the guild master. Talk to one of your staff (his name is Herfast?) that can send gifts. Some mods, like Perisno you can send gifts to any factions or your own kingdom. Another one is dispatch an emissary, and then go to 'send gifts', giving away fiefs or sending horses or 6000 denars will increase your relations faster. Once you form an alliance, there will be WAR!!. If you are in war with a different Faction, your ally will automatically declare war to your enemy and vice-versa.

Mount And Blade Emissary Deck


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