Moonbase Alpha Port Forward

Moonbase Alpha

#8 Click on Port #9 Then make sure TCP is selected and also make sure specific remote ports is selected #10 Next type in the box 9777. #11 Then click on allow connection. And there you go you have done the first port. Repeat steps 7-11 for the other ports specified by the game. The list of ports can be accessed in-game when trying to create a game.

Watch the trailer of Moonbase Alpha.

As part of its Learning Technologies program, the space agency has developed Moonbase Alpha, a realistic multiplayer game that will allow players to experience a hypothetical day in the life of a lunar astronaut.

The game Moon Base Alpha utilizes actual NASA Constellation program design details developed by NASA for mankind’s return to the Moon. The game features realistic NASA exploration scenarios, immersive 3D graphics, solo or team play, VOIP chat, alternate voicable text, and gives users the ability to explore their own future moon base.

Moonbase Alpha will put gamers in the boots of an astronaut stationed on a lunar outpost in the year 2032. When a meteor strike damages the outpost, gamers are tasked with repairing vital systems using a variety of tools, from the lunar rover to remote-controlled robotic units.

Moonbase alpha music

The concept behind Moonbase Alpha is to encourage an interest in space exploration by combining advanced educational technologies with NASA content, producing learning tools that engage and inspire today’s tech-savvy students. The game is also meant as a precursor to NASA’s in-development MMO, Astronaut: Moon, Mars, and Beyond.

What is Moonbase Alpha?A game featuring:- Realistic NASA exploration scenarios- Immersive 3D graphics- Solo or team play- VOIP chat- Alternate voicable text. Located in the Moon crater Plato and constructed out of quarried rock and ores, Moonbase Alpha is four kilometres in diameter and extends up to one kilometre in areas below the lunar surface. Moonbase Alpha A 3-D Immersive NASA Exploration Game Step into the role of an explorer in a futuristic lunar settlement. Your mission is to restore critical systems after a.

Moonbase Alpha will be released on Tuesday, July 6th, 2010! Visit for more info!

Screen shot from Moonbase Alpha. Credit: NASA; Moonbase Alpha development team

News media and video game reviewers have an opportunity to preview a new NASA video game, Moonbase Alpha, in advance of its worldwide release.

NASA will release the game on Valve’s Steam network on Tuesday, July 6. The Army Game Studio produced the game with development by Virtual Heroes, a division of Applied Research Associates in Research Triangle Park, N.C.

Destination Moonbase Alpha

Reviewers can get early access to the game by contacting Mitch Gross of Virtual Heroes at 347-688-9703 or by July 1.

The game is a proof of concept to show how NASA content could be combined with a cutting-edge game engine to produce an experience that inspires interest in science, technology, engineering and math — skills critical to achieving NASA’s exploration goals.

For more information about Moonbase Alpha, visit:

Moonbase Alpha Port Forward

Moonbase Alpha Video Game

Moonbase Alpha Port Forward Office

For information about NASA’s education programs, visit:


Moonbase Alpha Port Forward For Sale

Moonbase Alpha Music

Posted by: Soderman/NLSI Staff